When you run a lot of races you collect a lot of bling. You worked hard for that medal and it deserves a place of pride on your wall! We've collected our 8 favorite marathon and half marathon medal holders to help you get started putting up those humble-brags.
1. We are big fans of Tinker Make's wooden medal holders, like this New York City Marathon medal holder. They are made from cherry or walnut and can be personalized with your runner's stats. We think they pair very nicely on a running wall with one of our Marathoner Maps!

2. Love this simple "Run" medal holder from the McGarvey Workshop. You can choose to have 1 or 2 dowels and from white on black and vice verse.
3. For the social media enthusiast in your life, we have this #Runner metal medal holder. Perfect for their #medalmonday posts on the 'gram.

4. This wooden USA Map Medal Holder is made in Latvia but ships to the USA. They do this walnut stain, but you can convo them for different colors. Fits 50 medals.
5. If you have a trail runner in your life this Mountainscape Metal Medal Holder would be a great gift. It comes in various sizes and with a runner figure or without.

8. We love the weathered-chic look of Studio Seventeen's Wooden Medal Holder. Especially with the add-on of the 5" x 7" frame (which would fit one of our small Marathoner Maps perfectly!)
