What to do with ALL those Bibs:  R-U-N Wall Hanging

As any running aficionado knows, race bibs can really pile up. You don't want to throw them away - each one is a memory of a race and an accomplishment. But what do you do with all those bibs? Here is an affordable and fun way to display your bibs by Kerri / @kerri_hitsthepavement.


Large Letters from any craft store, spell "RUN" or any other word you'd like!
Mod Podge
- Paintbrush
- Hot Glue Gun / Glue Sticks

1. Gather your bibs and arrange them on top of each letter to get an idea of layout.

2. Cut the bibs to fit the letters. Use a hot glue gun to secure them down on the letters. Fold the bibs around the sides of the letters and adhere them to the back.

3. After the bibs are glued down, apply 2 coats of Mod Podge on each letter. (Follow the directions on the bottle).

4. Let dry overnight and then hang!

What have you done with your old bibs? 



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